5 Best Ab Exercises| Shilpa Shetty Kundra| Simple Soulful App

5 Best Ab Exercises| Shilpa Shetty Kundra| Simple Soulful App
 e down with your lower back locked

down on the mat
with your knees bent at 90 degrees
directly above your hips

keep your hands behind the head inhale
and tuck your chin
in exhale crunch up from your shoulders
get into a plank position on your elbows
keep your tailbone tucked in abs tight
and shoulders pushing the floor
the entire body must be engaged
lie on your back keeping your arms
overhead your lower back must be flat on
the floor and your legs
straight up to the ceiling exhale
perform a crunch to reach your toes
come down and go into a plank position
tuck your knees in towards your chest
your hips
remain parallel to the ground alternate
your knees
tuck your right knee into your right
elbow and your left knee into your left
tuck your knee to the opposite elbow and
switch sideways
get into a plank position on your elbow
inhale here exhale
rotate hips and entire body to go into a
side plank on the left forearm
and lift the right hand up to the
ceiling hold here for a moment
and keep abs tightened inhale here
return to low plank position inhale here
rotate entire body to a side plank on
the right forearm
and lift the left arm up to the ceiling
sit tall on the bench with palms placed
next to the hips
inhale grip the edge of the bench round
the upper back slightly
exhale push into the bench and lift the
hip up engage the abs and squeeze the
inner thighs together
hold here for 20 seconds

5 Best Ab Exercises| Shilpa Shetty Kundra| Simple Soulful App


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