Interview with brother of fmr PM Nawaz Sharif

Pakistan is our country it's our right
to be there and more so when Pakistan is
in serious trouble and addiction have
been announced
Mr. Sharif heads one the most popular
party in Pakistan is one of the most
popular leaders in Pakistan
so is the president parks in this point
in time is extremely essential for his
party and for his countrymen so I think
he is going to return back to Pakistan
to demand is that he must withdraw
martial law I must restore judiciary an
election must be held under a neutral
set up the president interim government
is nothing but a house full of Musharraf
hand-picked instrument how on earth can
you imagine even in your remotest
imagination that free and fair decks
will be can be held under these
circumstances so what we're saying is
we'll consult our part we'll consult our
alliance and then decide I don't know I
don't think Sheriff will bite it because
I don't think he thinks it's enough of
pressure and to him I think Washington
you know mounts pressure and that is
recognized in Pakistan so I think the
West needs to ready
persuade him much more than what come
with has done and combined with calm
will step I think other steps taken



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